Board Selection Test
Academics - Ryan Global Schools

Cambridge Academics

A clear path for educational success from 5 to 19

Cambridge Primary Age 5+

Curriculum and assessment for 10 subjects (including English, Maths and Science)

Cambridge Lower Secondary Age 11+

Curriculum and assessment for 10 subjects (including English, Maths and Science)

Cambridge upper Secondary Age 14+

Cambridge IGCSE EM (70+subjects)

Cambridge O level (40+subjects)

Cambridge ICE Certificate

Cambridge Advanced Age 16+

Cambridge International

AS & Level(SS+subjects)

Cambridge AICE Diploma

Cambridge IPQ

Cambridge CEM baseline assessments to measure potential and progress

Cambridge Professional Development for teachers and school leaders

Learn Discover Achieve

Cambridge International Primary Programme [CIPP] (Age 5-11): Academic and Emotional Development Stage

Cambridge Primary starts learners on an exciting educational journey. It provides a strong foundation for students at the beginning of their schooling before progressing through the Cambridge Pathway in an age-appropriate way. Cambridge primary programme provides a broad and balanced education for learners, helping them to thrive throughout their schooling, work and life.

Foundation Level: Cambridge Lower Secondary (Age 11-14)

Learners develop into young adolescents as they move from Primary into Lower secondary school. It is an important period of transition and requires greater responsibility. The Lower secondary programme combines a world-class curriculum with high quality effective teaching, experiential learning resources and assessments.

IGCSE Level: Cambridge Upper Secondary (Age 14-16)

Cambridge Upper Secondary builds on the foundations of Cambridge Lower Secondary. We at Ryan offer O levels which is equivalent to the Cambridge IGCSE or UK GCSE level. It provides learners with excellent preparation for Cambridge Advanced as well as other progression routes.

Cambridge Advanced Level: AS and A Levels (Age 16-18)

The syllabus’ prepare learners for university study, which is why universities worldwide value and recognize Cambridge International AS & A Level qualifications. Cambridge International AS & A Level develops learners’ knowledge, understanding and skills in:
• In-depth subject content
• Independent thinking
• Applying knowledge and understanding to new as well as familiar situations
• Handling and evaluating different types of information source
• Thinking logically and presenting ordered and coherent arguments
• Making judgements, recommendations and decisions
• Presenting reasoned explanations, understanding implications and communicating them logically and clearly
• Working and communicating in English.


Tracking and monitoring continuous student improvement

• Emphasis on Thinking Skills, HOTS
• Detailed, Actionable Feedback
• Building Capability
• Evidence- centered Design
• Diagnostic Assessments
• Continuous Evaluation
• Mapped to Academic Plan

ASSESSMENT PHILOSOPHY – Aligned to curriculum standards

• Make learning personalized through effective assessments
• Advocate a cultural shift towards use of assessments
• Continuous Skill based EvaluationFrom Assessment of Learning to Assessment for and as Learning